Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Only those who recognize the truth can defend it!
- Message No. 583 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell Our children the following today: The light of your earth will pass away when you least expect it.
Black masses, desecrations, mutilations and destruction of saint statues, church property and holy objects are increasing! Desecrations are planned and are already being carried out, and peu à peu you will no longer find My Son in your churches, because "they" will have expelled Him and exchanged Him with Buddhist, pagan and satanic things, and you will not feel the difference if you continue to live in untruth, not taking Our messages seriously and closing yourselves to the truth!
Only those who recognize the truth can defend it! Those who continue to live in their shells and pretend that everything is going on normally will have a rude awakening!
My children. You must stand up and put a stop to these outrages!
Pray, My children, pray, for My Holy Son is being driven away, and darkness will come upon you! The evil one is slowly creeping up, and once you are "wrapped" in his mists, you will not be able to defend yourselves.
You will perish miserably, but, My children so loved by Me, it is not too late for you: Give your YES to My Son and find completely to HIM, to Jesus! He will catch you and guide you, give you His light and His love! He will always be there for you, and not one of His faithful children will be lost. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, promise you. Amen.
In deep and grateful love I continue to ask for all your prayers in the intentions of My Son and especially at night, when the evil one becomes "active".
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
--- "My Mother speaks the true word. Listen to Her Word, or you will be lost.
In deep love, your Jesus. Son of the Almighty Father. Amen."
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