Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, June 9, 2014
Never weigh yourselves in earthly security!
- Message No. 581 -

- Whit Monday My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children the following: It is so important that you prepare your little ones for Us, for Jesus. The end is near, and those who do not find their way to Us, to Jesus, will have a very, very hard time. In the beginning, many will feel safe, happy, strong and powerful, but, My beloved children, all this is only a part of the devil's game plan. You will be more and more led away from what is true, and your fall will be deep and cruel.
Never weigh yourselves in earthly security, because it is transient and passes faster than you think it possible! Only Jesus is security! Only HE is the way! HE is your support! HE is your provider! Only with HIM you will "survive", i.e. the New Kingdom will be given to you, and TOGETHER we will all live there. The Father will be present through Jesus, His Holy Son, and at the end of the 1000 years you will go to Him. You will live gloriously forever, by His side and fulfilled. The happiness you seek is in His Son, and only those who find their way to Him will ever be able to understand this mystery.
My children. All of you run to Jesus and use Our help to find your way to Him. I, your Saint Bonaventure, with all the saints of the Lord, stand ready for your preparation. Ask Me! Ask Us! And pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary! She is the way to Jesus! She is your Mother in Heaven! She prays for you! She carries you to Jesus! She intercedes for you ALL at the Throne of the Lord, and She presents you to Her Son!
Pray Her rosaries and listen to the call of Our Lady! She is the Mother of all the children of the earth and carries the maternal love for each one of you in Her Sacred Heart!
Pay respect and honor to Her, for She is the chosen Bride of the Lord! His Holy Spirit has worked in Her, and the Lord has raised Her to be the Mother of all His earth children.
Love her! Pray to her! And treat her with respect!
The desecrations in Rome -and from there worldwide- are cruel and unworthy!
The "superiors" of your Catholic Church are corrupt, heartless, contaminated by the devil! They have no respect, and they show no respect, except among your equals.
The devil has infiltrated the Vatican, and the false prophet is enthroned on the highest chair of the Holy Church of Jesus. But, My beloved children, there are also good shepherds there, as everywhere in your churches!
Pope Benedict is the true representative of Jesus here on earth, but he is expelled and despised by those who are not pure and unnoticed by most of the world. You do not see the truth and urgently need to open your eyes and ears and especially your hearts.
Those who do not respect Benedict are far from the truth! Pray for him and his intimates, for they are exposed to the greatest dangers.
In deep love and with great gratitude in My heart, I take leave of you today.
Ask Me for help, for guidance and support and I will come. Amen.
Your loving Bonaventure.
Source: ➥