Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The false prophet wants to lead you away from the path!

- Message No. 561 -


My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children the following: When the light of the earth passes away, do not be afraid, My beloved children, for the light of the Lord will shine in you, for My Son, your Jesus, will never leave you. So do not be afraid, My children, and trust completely in the Lord.

In these and other messages you are being prepared, so keep to Our Word and remain faithful to Jesus! No one who joins the remnant army of My Son will come to harm, for whoever is with Jesus, trusting in HIM, the devil cannot steal! So be completely with HIM, with your Jesus, and nothing bad will happen to you.

But be vigilant, My beloved flock of children, because the false prophet wants to lead you astray from the path! Deceitfully and with much hypocrisy, he will bring you a "new church", but it will NOT be of My Son! The church of My Son now threatens to perish, but that will not happen either! So be vigilant and do not fall for the deceitful lies, the distorted word and hypocrisy!

There is already much discord, and there will be more and more, so remain vigilant and faithful to My Son. He will save His Church, and it will stand greater than ever! So be His instruments here on earth and rejoice, for the Lord's Church will shine in brilliant light, and Peter will be there to shepherd it, but decay will come first, and it will look like ruin.

Do not be afraid and celebrate your masses in secret. YOU ARE THE RESTARMEE and as such form the "Holy Body of My Son" when your churches are closed or misused for satanic purposes! You keep My Son's Church alive and are thus the "living member" of My Son here on earth. This may be difficult to understand for some, but accept My word and follow My call.

God the Father never leaves you alone, and before anything bad happens, HE admonishes you, calls you to repentance, and makes His Word known through seer children chosen by HIM. He will not let you perish, but it is up to you to repent and confess Him and Jesus.

I love you, My children. Turn back and find Jesus. Amen.

Your loving Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.

Source: ➥