Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Saturday, May 17, 2014

The last hours strike before the doom begins!

- Message No. 557 -


My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your Jesus who loves you so much, say today to the children of the earth: My children. My children so loved by Me. The signs that were foretold to you, the lies, the deeds, the desecrations, the blasphemous activities and speeches and demands of those who were supposed to love Me, to pass on My Word on earth and to watch over My children, will now soon become evident to all faithful children.

Shame and sin reign in Rome, and My Redeemer Heart is deeply wounded, because not only "they", the "leaders" of My Holy Church, disgrace and deny Me -for anyone who changes My teachings does not love Me and sins against Me and the Father, God, the Most High-, but so many children follow them, exult over them, -their blasphemy, veiled in lulling words and about the "modernization" of the Church, My Holy Body- which will bring them ALL to perdition, they do not finally open their eyes, their hearts to Me, their Savior, and to the Truth that I AM, and begin to face this "stream of seduction and digression of My teachings" which -if they continue to blindly follow the therefore- will cause them much suffering of soul.

My children. Wake up and see that you are at the end of time. The last hours are striking before the doom begins. Be warned and prepare yourselves, for I, your Holy Jesus, will save each one of you who confesses Me, and no one who gives Me his YES will be lost!

The New Glorious Time is about to dawn, and at last you will find peace and heal your soul. Peace will dwell in you and be with you. You will live as true children of the Lord. But you must open your eyes and ears now and set out on the way to Me. Thus I will save you from the set traps of the evil one, and your soul will not be lost to him!

But whoever continues to run after those who lie to him and seduce him, sell him "straw as gold" and enrich themselves underhandedly, let it be said to him: The devil lays his nets over him, skillfully and camouflaged, so that he is not able to notice it at first. But then, when he has skillfully stretched and entangled his nets, he will draw them tight and plunge all who are caught in them into the depths of perdition.

So be ready and purify yourselves for Me! In this way, the devil will no longer have power over you and, in the end, if you keep to My/Our instructions, he will not be able to carry you away.

Wear the Seal of the Father, for it will protect you and keep you from chastisement, plague and the snares of the devil. Amen.

Your loving Jesus.

Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of all God's children.

Make this known, My child.

Source: ➥