Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Every prayer the Father transforms into graces!
- Message No. 540 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am here with you. Say the following to Our children today: Your prayer is heard. God, Our Father of all, hears every prayer, whether short, whether long, whether pleading or spoken in joy. Be aware of this power that your prayer has, My beloved children, and use it for good in your world, for peace in yourselves, in your families, in your countries and in the whole world!
Pray for peace in the hearts of all God's children, because the Father hears your prayers! HE alone knows the right time, because HE alone is Almighty, and it is this His Omnipotence that "transforms" your prayers into the strongest weapon against evil and gives them the power to avert the greatest evils.
My children. Be aware of the power of your prayer! Use it in the fight against evil and pray in the intentions of My Son Jesus. It is your prayer that leads so many souls to My Son, and it is the prayer of all of you that will help many more souls to repent.
Every prayer that you say in love and with a sincere heart, the Father transforms into graces! So use prayer for good and help your brothers and sisters in the Lord to get away from evil and to find the way to God, their Father and yours, and to reach out their hand to Jesus.
I thank you, My so beloved flock of children. Your prayer is powerful! Use it where it is most needed. Amen.
Your so much loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My daughter.
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