Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 21, 2014
The lies of Satan come out of the mouths of those who pretend to be true children of the Lord...!
- Message No. 531 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you. Tell My children today to pray.
Prayer is needed, My children, and it is very strong and powerful in the fight against evil! You stop atrocities through your prayer and help many souls and children to find their way to My Son.
My children. Pray in love and devotion to My Son and remain faithful to HIM in these times! The lies of Satan are many and come out of the mouths of those who pretend to be true children of the Lord, but they are not. They worship Satan and drive out My Son! They do the greatest harm, and they harm you.
Look carefully at what they do, and listen carefully to what they say, for their deeds and lies are camouflaged and (still) hardly perceptible, for they "lose" themselves in superficial good, but nothing these Satan-worshippers do is good, but serves only one purpose: to give Satan world domination, as well as control over you and your soul, which they know how to capture skillfully and cunningly, if you are not truly and completely with My Son.
My children. To say "I believe that there is a God" is not enough to be admitted to the Kingdom of Heaven! You must live with Jesus, otherwise the gates will remain closed to you! The time of decision is near, and woe to him who does not come to Jesus: he will be lost to the devil and spend his eternity in torment! But those who confess Jesus will enter the glorious time of peace and live as happy children of the Lord!
My children. Give yourselves to My Son, because HE is your Redeemer! He is the love, the mercy, the light on your way, and He gives peace. Run to HIM and follow HIM! Live with HIM and do not let the devil blind you. In the light and fog of the devil you will get lost, because whoever gets lost in his snares, he will take him with him (into the abyss) and will not give him back again.
So all of you come to My Son and pray for one another! In this way you will not be lost, for My Son will come to redeem you and take you to the glorious time of peace. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My child. Amen.
Source: ➥