Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Graces upon graces are given to you in these days!
- Message No. 522 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. I, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much, want to ask you today to share with My children how much it delights My Mother's heart to see so many of My children honoring My Son in these so holy days! I thank you for it, and I rejoice, because the love you give to My Son, you also give to Me.
My children. Take advantage of this so precious time and be completely with My Son!
Spend every day with HIM, every hour, every minute and give yourselves completely to HIM! HE, who is your Savior, will always be there for you! HE accompanies you, HE guides you, and HE brings you to the Father!
My children.
This time now is precious.
So use it and let yourselves fall completely into the love and graces of Jesus and the Father! Enjoy the closeness, the attachment, because it is given to you especially tangibly in these holy days.
Give yourselves completely to Jesus and become one with Him! This time is precious! It is full of grace, and it is very intense, provided that you let yourselves go to Him, Jesus, and are really completely with Him!
My children. Graces upon graces are given to you in these days. Accept them and give thanks to the Lord. Stay in prayer and celebrate all the festivities -if you can- in these days! Repent, confess, atone! Be pure for Jesus and the Father!
I love you, My beloved children.
With deep love and affection, your Mother in Heaven. Amen.
Thank you, My child. Go now.
Source: ➥