Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Be aware of the grace that is now being poured out on you at this time! - Palm Sunday
- Message No. 517 -

My child. My dear child. Today is a special day, and it gives Me, your Mother in Heaven, and God the Father, My Son and the saints, as well as the holy angels of the Lord, great joy to see so many children of men celebrating this feast and paying homage to My Son.
My children. Rejoice, for there is great joy in Heaven, as well as the graces that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are giving you today, on the "Feast Day of the Consecrated Branches"
My children. This novena obtains you great graces. Pray it beginning on Good Friday so that it may end festively with the celebrations of the Mass of Mercy on Sunday of Mercy.
My children. Be aware of the mercy that is now poured out upon you during this time! It ends on Divine Mercy Sunday in a complete indulgence for those who pray the novena, purify themselves, that is, confess, repent and do penance for their committed sins, and then solemnly and purely receive Holy Communion, union with My Son, on this so wonderful feast of Divine Mercy.
My children. Celebrate these feasts, all honoring Jesus, in deep love, in devotion to HIM and in joy, because they are special days, feasts, and very special graces are given to you, the children of God and of your earth.
I love you, My so beloved children, and thank you for your faithfulness, your devotion and your perseverance!
In deep love and always united, your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
--- "My Mother speaks the true word. It was given to Her by the Father. So follow Her call, and accept Our gifts, for not much time remains. The end is near! Accept Our graces, the graces of the Father, Mine and the Holy Spirit! Amen. Your Jesus, who loves you so much."
--- "My child. Great is the joy of My Father's Heart, which loves you so much, to see how many of My children honor My Son today. I love you dearly, My so beloved children. Be sure of My graces, for from today the time rich in graces begins, especially for those who are faithful to My Son and give Him the honor that is due to Him.
My children. Until Mercy Sunday, I shower your world with My mercy and ask you to celebrate the Feast of Mercy in love for My Son! Confess, atone and purify yourselves. The Plenary Indulgence is given to those who do in love for My Son what Mary, your Heavenly Mother, has asked you to do. So be it.
With deep and most intimate love, your Father in Heaven who loves you so much.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen."
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. Remember that indulgences can also be given away. Keep to the guidelines given to you and do everything out of love for Jesus.
You can keep the indulgence for your dying hour or give it to a loved one who -in the grace of God- is either dying or has already passed away.
My children.
Follow the call of the Lord, for HE IS and ALWAYS WILL BE. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord. Amen."
--- Make this known, My daughter. God the Father with Jesus and Mary.
Source: ➥