Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Lucifer's target!
- Message No. 512 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to instruct you (today), because the children of the earth are endangered, and only all of your prayers, your sacrifice for the lost and confused children of the Lord, will still be able to save them, these poor souls and lead them to My Son, so that they will not be lost to the Evil One of the Evil Ones, Lucifer, the fallen angel, who with every soul, whom he captures and binds to himself, God the Father "challenge(s)" to go out of HIS LOVE, to "disregard" the free will of HIS CHILDREN, and they, the lost children of him, (back) "steals" them, the lost children from him, from Lucifer, so that love fades away, God the Father "condescends" to his
Since Lucifer knows how much God the Father loves you and suffers for you as soon as you go astray -that is, away from HIM, your Creator-, his
My children. It is shameful what the devil demands from his followers and how fast he "drops" them, if they commit even one -in his eyes- mistake or do not bring in the amount of souls he, Satan, demands!
Only soul-trading is the point of all the evil "goings-on" of Satan, because he wants the sole power over ALL children of God and therefore has built up the "pseudo-empire" -your present world- common to you today, in order to lose you to him, Lucifer, in money, in glamor, in power, in recognition, in shimmer, in appearance, in sex, in play, in pleasure of every kind, which drive you only and only into his hell, because in all this appearance God does not "live", but only the evil one alone, who ensnares you, flatters you and laughs at you most mockingly!
My children. Break out at last from this fog with which the devil holds you captive! Call to My Son, to your Jesus, and be saved from the seductions of the evil one! Reflect completely on the teachings of My Son, as well as the true values of the Lord, so that you do not get lost to Lucifer and can return home, to God, your Creator and Father.
My children. I love you! To everyone who asks Me I help, and to everyone who asks Me I lead to My Holy Son.
Come, My children, come, it is not too late. Amen. So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make all this known. Amen.
Source: ➥