Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Only your conversion TO LIFE can save you from this!
- Message No. 508 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Me. Tell Our children today that We love them. Each one of them is important, each one is special and created in love by the Father, Our Almighty Creator.
The Father's love is infinite, and it is this infinity that tears His heart that loves you so much, makes HIM suffer and weep for you, because His only desire is that all His children return home to HIM in love and of their own free will, yet so many children have turned to His adversary, Lucifer, the fallen angel, and now they do not find the way back to HIM, and Lucifer laughs most mockingly at HIM, your so loving father, because it is his only aim to TAKE YOU AWAY FROM HIM, so that HE suffers, mourns and "has to watch" your downfall "unhappy" and "pierced with pain", what tears HIM once more His father heart, which loves you so much.
My children. The goal of Lucifer is to steal you from the Father, TO INFLUENCE HIM WITH SORROW! He is not interested in you and as soon as there is no more return for you, he will do to you most terrible suffering, torment and agony! His only satisfaction lies in the suffering of the others, and NEVER he will be satisfied, because he is the root of the evil, which always needs more, knows no fulfillment and no love. His "fulfillment" lies in the suffering of others, and the more they suffer, the better he feels, WITHOUT EVER FEELING Satisfied or FULFILLED!
Be aware of this, My so beloved children, because if you think Satan is well-disposed towards you, you will soon be proven wrong, but then it will be too late to change anything.
My children. Hell is the place that will bring you, indeed make you suffer, eternal torment and chastisement, and only your conversion TO LIFE can save you from it. As soon as the end of time begins, it will be too late for you and your salvation, and this end is imminent!
Turn back, My beloved children, and find Jesus, My Holy Son, because only HE will bring you happiness, only HE will bring you fulfillment, love and peace, because with HIM you will enter into the glory of the Father, but you must convert and give HIM your YES now, because soon it will be too late.
As soon as the end is here, you will be divided, and the harvest that My Son will reap will be the good, faithful children among you, but the others will be banished and thrown into the pit of hell, because the demons of the devil will catch all those who did not give their YES to Jesus and push them into the abyss of destruction!
So prepare yourselves for the Second Coming of My Son, otherwise you will be lost.
So be it.
With love, your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much.
"Only a pure soul can I take with Me, all others will not know My New Kingdom. Amen.
Your Jesus."
Source: ➥