Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
People must have hope not to lose themselves to the beast.
- Message No. 500 -

My child. My dear child. There you are, My daughter so beloved by Me. Please say the following to the children of the earth today: When the light of your earth seems to be fading, unite in prayer, My faithful followers, and My Holy Spirit will be among you.
The dark times will not last long, yet it is imperative that you continue to pray, celebrate My Holy Masses -that is, in secret, for your churches will either be closed or in worship of the beast-, read in your Holy Scriptures and tell your children -for they will not understand what is happening-about Me, My Second Coming and My newly created Kingdom.
Give them, the smallest among you, the ray of hope they need in order not to be full of fear -for this the devil will stir up in the most terrible way- and sadness!
Tell those who even then do not believe in Me and My Word what will happen, and that everything has been prophesied in the same way long before, so that they too can still be converted and I can take them into My New Kingdom.
Tell them then that this dark time will end in the 3 dark days foretold to you and what will come after!
People must have hope, so as not to lose themselves to the beast who exercises his power in this time and puts much terror, evil and mischief in the hearts of men, to provoke them also to unholy deeds!
My children. Remain faithful and devoted to Me at all times! Adore Me and pray for your brothers and sisters! Love Me and worship Me! No child who surrenders to Me will be lost. This I promise.
My children. Much of all the calamity that is to overtake your world can still be mitigated and even averted. So pray, My faithful followers, and keep yourselves ready for Me!
I love you so much! All the children of the earth I want to reach, to gift with My love and to care for them, but only those who come to Me voluntarily, entrust themselves to Me and trust in Me, I will be able to gift with My glories given to Me by the Father.
I love you. Remain faithful to Me.
Your Jesus. Amen.
My child. Make this known. Your loving Mother in Heaven. Amen. Go now.
Source: ➥