Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, March 23, 2014
The great end is coming!
- Message No. 489 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning. All of Us are with you today, My so beloved daughter. Rest, and tell Our children today that the great end is near. We are slowly preparing you for it in these messages, but you must repent, convert and find Jesus, or you will be lost.
My children. What We are telling you in these messages is of utmost importance for you, for your soul. If you do not convert in time, you will jeopardize your eternity so wonderfully planned by God. You will be lost to the devil, who will torment you and cause you endless suffering, instead of entering the all-healing, peaceful and fulfilling eternity of the Lord.
Think carefully if you want to lose your Eternal Life at God's side for a little recognition, money and power! Consider that it is God the Father who created you and to whom you will return, provided you live with HIM and according to His will, which brings peace, love, care and joy to every earth child!
Do you want to put all this at risk, just to "look great in front of your fellow men"? Why do you do this to yourselves? Why are you fighting each other for all the devil's goods, when it is God, the Father, who will always take care of you? Be frugal and turn completely to HIM and to His Son, for They take care of you and show you the way that the Lord has provided for you!
Each one of you is special and as soon as you join together and give your specialness to each other ((put yourselves) at the service of each other), then you will no longer be against each other, but live together in joy and docility.
My children. Care for one another, help one another and do not quarrel! Your prayer will help you in all concerns that are NOT of a selfish nature. So pray for each other, pray with each other and worship the Lord. And get ready for the return of Jesus, because so many of you will experience it. So be it.
Your saints with the Mother of the Lord. Amen.
(also the angels, Jesus and God the Father are there.)
Source: ➥