Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 17, 2014
Saint Joseph, a powerful intercessor at the throne of the Lord!
- Message No. 482 -

My child. My dear child. Rejoice, for the graces of the Lord are with you in this so precious Lent, the time of preparation for My Holy Son, your Jesus, and regarding the honorary day of Joseph, My Holy Spouse, who intercedes at the Throne of God for all who venerate Him, and prays INTENSELY for peace in all your hearts and in the world.
My children. Pray to your St. Joseph, for HE is a powerful intercessor for you at the throne of the Lord and is especially concerned about families and work.
My children. Take advantage of the goodness, love and His generosity that He gives to every earth child who sincerely asks Him, prays to Him and believes in Him!
Numerous are the miracles that He, My so kind Husband, grants you when you ask for His help and pay homage to Him especially on His honorable day.
My children. Rejoice, for the graces of the Father are with you, and the more you pray, the more you ask, for yourselves, for the world, the more graces will be poured on you and on all the children of the earth, so that peace may dwell in their hearts and your world may be saved from the greatest evil planned by the Adversary.
My children. Your prayer is powerful! The graces of the Father that you, My faithful children, obtain through your prayer and the benevolence of so many, numerous saints and angels, who all want so much good for you, are great.
"So keep praying, My faithful followers, for the good of the earth and its inhabitants is in your hands, that is, you are the power that keeps so many from falling, and keeps putting the devil in his place, BY YOUR PRAYER!
My children. In deepest and most intimate love, I take leave of you today. Use your weapon, prayer, and use the benevolence of the saints and angels, and pray especially these days to your St. Joseph, who has such a loving and compassionate heart for all of you, and whose intercession at the throne of the Lord is so powerful. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in heaven. Amen.
Source: ➥