Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 15, 2014
...your fall will come!
- Message No. 479 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much, am here with you to tell Our children today the following: Hatred on your earth is great! Envy has infested the hearts of many of Our children, and haughtiness, arrogance and arrogance of those who are financially well off only fuel these so evil, gnawing and so harmful feelings -because they eat away at the hearts of the children of men- even more!
Who carries envy in the heart is "ill". HIM lacks the love of the Lord, trust, acceptance as well as charity. The same is true for those who carry hatred in them. They destroy not only their environment, their neighbor, but also themselves, because they live cut off from the Lord and far from His Divine love.
But to those who wander through life with arrogance, pride and arrogance, be told: You too are guilty of sin, and your fall will come! Shouldn't you love your neighbor as yourself? Shouldn't you, who have more, take care of those who have nothing, instead of "overlooking" them, ridiculing them, insulting them and letting the self-sufficient egoist hang out?
My children. He who has more, let him share! He who has abundance, let him give to the poor! Whoever is well off, take care of his fellow brothers!
Have you forgotten everything that Jesus taught you? Or do you live so far away from HIM and from the Father that you do not need to be good?
Woe to him who is arrogant and self-sufficient, for eternity is long, and no help will come to him when he needs it -and he will need it-, for he is self-sufficient and values himself more than his neighbor, than Jesus and than God, his Almighty Father!
Turn back, My children, and confess Jesus! Then neither hatred nor envy, arrogance, pride, arrogance and self-sufficiency will take place in you, because you are then with the Lord, and HE will fill you with love, which will heal all that in you.
Come to Jesus, and give Him your YES! Then your heart will be soft, pure and happy again, and your soul will be light and content. So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much. Amen. Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption.
Make this known, My child. Thank you.
Source: ➥