Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Live your spiritual potential!
- Message No. 465 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children this today: When the world in which you live now comes to an end, be sure that a more beautiful, more glorious world will be your inheritance, but to reach it requires faith, devotion, purification and love to/for My Son, for whoever does not confess HIM, whoever rejects HIM and the Father, will not know the New Kingdom, for he is not worthy to enter into this so wonderful glory of the Lord, to receive His gifts and to be given His miracles.
My children. Convert yourselves! There is still time! Run to Jesus, and do not continue to cling to externals. They bring you nothing but unhappiness and emptiness and drag you more and more into the mire of damnation!
Accept yourselves as the Lord God created you and live your spiritual potential! Whoever does not expand his spirit, does not communicate with "heaven", hangs his heart on people and riches of earthly nature, will be lost, because at the end of days, when your world comes to an end, Jesus will take only His followers with Him. But all others will be lost to the devil.
My children. Do not forge this abominable end for yourselves, for your soul will experience much suffering as soon as it realizes where it must go. Greatest disappointment will spread in you when you realize what a false game the devil has played with you! You will suffer, be tormented and burn without burning.
My children. This is such a terrible state, such a great suffering and infinite pain that you will have to endure for an eternity if you do not turn to Jesus, who loves you so much and forgives everything, no matter how badly and terribly you have sinned!
Come to HIM and enter with HIM into the New World of Peace! Leave your lust for domination and control, vice and fornication, murder and all offenses and run to Jesus in His Holy arms! HE loves you and HE sees you, you do not need to pretend!
Come to HIM and give joy and happiness to your soul, because the devil holds torment and chastisement in store for it, but My Son will heal it and flood it with His love. The gifts of the Father will come to her, and greatest joy will befall her, endowing her with contentment, cheerfulness and perfect fulfillment. So be it.
Turn back! It is not too late!
With deep love and attachment, your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much. Amen.
--- "Rejoice, for the Lord will come.
An angel from the 7 choirs." (2 angels are there full of joy and happiness.)
--- Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥