Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 1, 2014
It is now time to give yourself completely to My Son and prepare for His Second Coming!
- Message No. 461 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Thank you for coming.
It is now time to give yourself completely to My Son and prepare for His Second Coming. Your hearts must be pure, your soul purified. You must carry peaceful joy within you, that is, a joy that arises and lives from the fulfillment of God within you. You must prepare yourselves for the meeting with Jesus, because it can happen at any time.
"Be pure and ready, for the Lord will soon stand before you."
My children. Prepare your homes also, for as you prepare yourselves, your homes must also be pure. Have candles ready, consecrated candles, and holy water at hand. Put your holy scriptures so that you have them accessible at all times and not gathering dust in a drawer. Keep your home tidy and clean. Have canned food ready in case you cannot go out for a while, fresh water to drink, and edibles. God the Father will provide for you should you run low on supplies and/or have no storage facilities.
Be ready for the Lord, for Jesus, My Holy Son, and be ready for the end of the end times.
In deep love, your Holy Mother in Heaven. Amen.
Vision: Our Lady: "My child. Write down what you see."
Heaven is opened. The angels, from small to great/mighty are lined up. The saints are also there, as a community (to pray). God the Father and Jesus stand ready to intervene, as well as the angels. The saints remain to pray (prayer support). Also, not all the angels will go out.
Source: ➥