Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
The mercy of My Son will forgive you every sin!
- Message No. 447 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: Those who do not know Jesus, who do not see the light of the Lord, and who do not feel His love, will have another chance before the final schism takes place. But then, My beloved children, you must have confessed Jesus, for there will be no turning back for those who have confessed the devil, and no hope of the New Paradise for all those who have turned their backs on Jesus.
My children. Reflect! Feel in your heart! If you don't feel there the Eternal Burning Flame of the Lord, if you don't know yourselves in love and security, and if restlessness and storms keep coming to you, then you are far from the Lord!
Only the conversion, the "surrender" to the Lord, will let your flame burn noticeably and fill you with love and joy! Every restlessness and every storm will be taken away from you by My Son, because HE, who loves you so much, will take care of you, but you must not turn your back on HIM, but confess to HIM, turn to HIM and give HIM your YES!
Begin the way to the Lord, because very soon it will be too late for the (still) apostate children. I love you, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"My Holy Mother leads you all to Me! Ask Her and so it shall be."
"Each one of you I await with My open Father's arms, and the mercy of My Son will forgive you every sin.
Come to Me, My children, and become ONE with My Son and Me.
I, your Holy Father, desire nothing more than your return to Me.
I love you. Amen.
Your Father in Heaven and Jesus who loves you so much. Amen." Make this known, My child. Thank you.
Source: ➥