Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Give your soul the chance it deserves!
- Message No. 445 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you. There you are. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven with God the Father and Jesus are here with you and love you very much. Thank you for spreading Our Word. Thank you, My child.
It is very important that many more souls find their way to My Son, My daughter, because whoever does not turn to HIM will be lost, whoever does not hope in HIM will perish, because the tribulation will overtake him. He who does not trust in HIM will fall into confusion, he who does not believe in HIM will fall at the feet of the devil.
My children. Confess your faith in My Son, in your Jesus, and give your soul the chance it deserves: the homecoming to its Creator, to be finally happy, whole and full of joy, a rapture that only the Lord can give it. Amen.
Pray for all My children.
Your loving Father in Heaven and your Holy Mother Mary with Jesus, whom We love so much. Each one of you.
--- "Turn back, for it is not too late. I, your Angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen. Your angel of the Lord."
--- "Come to Me, My beloved children, and let yourselves fall into My love, My joy and My peace.
Everyone who comes to Me I will take care of, and everyone who remains faithful to Me I will take with Me to My New Kingdom, for I, your Redeemer, will soon come and take with Me all those of you who profess Me.
Thank you, My faithful followers. I love you very much.
Your Jesus.
Redeemer of all God's children. Amen."
Source: ➥