Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Join your spirit with that of the Lord!
- Message No. 437 -

My child. My dear child. There you are, My daughter. I love you. Come to Me and listen to what I want to tell you today: the darkness in your world is spreading more and more, overshadowing the lives of many of Our children. Only those who confess Jesus will experience the light of the Lord and escape this darkness produced by the devil.
My children. These dark shadows that the devil covers over your earth affect your lives greatly. Many of Our children fall into depression and other illness(en). They feel a great sadness and -worse- desolation that makes their hearts, souls and bodies sick. Only your spirit can help then, but it is usually packed in so much "garbage" of the devil that no healing can take place here either. You become more and more sick, without drive, without joy and only pessimistic.
My children. This is how you destroy yourselves! Connect your spirit with that of the Lord! Call to HIM! Ask HIM! And let Jesus enter your life! The one who is with Jesus will not get this disease, because Jesus lives in him and gives him hope! He feels loved, caught and safe, and no shadow or darkness will come over him, because he possesses the light of the LORD, and against this light the devil cannot compete.
The light of the Lord is stronger, and Jesus will defeat the adversary. So realize this and be strong in these end times that will be over soon, very soon.
Jesus is your savior from all darkness! HE is the victor over all evil and sin! HE is your Savior! So confess HIM and give HIM your YES, and no tribulation will overtake you, but the love of the LORD will dwell in you, as well as joy, hope and salvation.
Say YES to Jesus, and the devil will lose all power over you. So be it. I love you, your Angel of the Lord and your loving Mother in Heaven. Amen.
"Jesus stands ready. Amen."
Make this known, My child. Your Mother in heaven who loves you. Amen.
Source: ➥