Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, February 1, 2014
You have not understood anything!
- Message No. 430 -

My child. My dear child. Everything will be fine. Trust. Please tell Our children today that it is of utmost urgency to prepare for My Son and for the events that will come, because time is pressing and many of Our children continue to remain in their "hibernation" because they think that everything is still so far away, and until the first signs come, one can continue to live as before.
My children. You have understood nothing! Don't you see that you are in the middle of the end times? Open your eyes and ears and look and listen, because everything that We have prophesied to you and that which We announce to you in Our messages is NOW.
You have little time left for your preparation, because this world will end and a New, beautiful and whole world will be given to you. But only those children will live in it, who have prepared themselves for this event, who are faithfully devoted to My Son, follow Him and trust in Him!
So wake up from your hibernation and face the events of your world! Whoever does not convert now, does not prepare and continues to close himself, time will run away from him, because the Second Coming of My Son is closer than you think.
I love you, My children. Have consecrated candles in your homes for at least 10 days of light. You will need the candles against evil. So hurry up and prepare yourselves and your homes.
With deep love.
Your Mother in heaven.
"Soon I will come to be with each one of you. Prepare for this "feast" because it will be special.
Have candles ready so that evil will not enter your homes. They must be consecrated
The meeting with Me will be wonderful, but you must be (pre)prepared for Me, otherwise it may frighten you. I love you.
In deepest love, your Jesus."
"My Son is ready. HE is looking forward to this wonderful event. Prepare yourselves accordingly and purify yourselves. I, your Father in Heaven, put it on your hearts. In this way, you will have a fulfilling and completely joyful time with Jesus, who loves everyone from the depths of His Redeemer's Heart.
Prepare yourselves! You do not have much time left.
With love, your Father in Heaven.
God, the Most High."
"The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. I, your angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen. Your angel of the Lord."
Source: ➥