Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Be warned, My children of the western hemisphere!
- Message No. 420 -

My child. My dear child. I love you very much. Thank you for serving Us also this night. The attacks on Us of the night are strong and evil, and, My beloved children, with your prayers, especially your rosaries, you provide Us relief and stop many of the evil plans and invocations (invocations), for, dear children, your prayer is powerful and can withstand evil!
My children. Continue to pray in Our intentions, especially those of My Holy Son. Pray much, and pray fervently, and be aware of the power of your prayer!
The end times were prophesied to you as dire and cruel, and what is being done to many of Our beloved children today, by those who are devil-driven, misguided, confused, arrogant, arrogant and self-aggrandizing, is an unspeakable suffering for many of you, for these children have and are accepting the suffering of My Son in the most brutal and cruel way, committed by human hands, and carry their cross in love, in faith and in deepest trust in My Son, an acceptance that is rewarded with greatest, purest and perfectly healing love from the Father, but it is a cross that so many from your western world are not capable of carrying.
My children. Pray for these your fellow brothers and sisters who are being maltreated and murdered in the most brutal way, and pray for their relatives, the survivors, that they may be able to live with this burden, for they are being abused and killed before their eyes.
Pray that these cruelties will come to an end, for there are thousands of men, women and children who are being so brutally and cruelly inflicted just because they believe in My Son and Me.
My children. The hatred in your world has long known no bounds, and the chastisements of the Father will fall upon you, and where the patience of the Lord is strained, there His wrath will descend from heaven as the embers of fire.
But be warned, My children of the Western Hemisphere, for you live in fornication and ignominy! The Lord will chastise you, and you will be compelled, for your "freedom", which you use for fornication, will be taken away from you if you do not repent, and the places of devil worship will be destroyed, and will no longer be found on your earth, and greatest distress and torment will befall you, because you have not repented, have not confessed the Lord, and so you will reap the Father's wrath, before the great judgment will then come upon each one!
My children. Convert yourselves! Find the way to Jesus and with Him to the Father! Pray, pray, pray that the greatest disaster will not befall you! Only repentance will save you from these evils, and the seal of the Father will save you from the great chastisement! Believe and trust, and PRAY, My children! Your prayer is now the only weapon you have against all the evil that the devil has planned for his world domination, and at the same time it soothes the wrath of the Father who loves you, My beloved children, so much.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Sadly the Father looks upon His earthly children. All the suffering they do to each other, they also do to HIM, the Almighty Father, yet they do not see it. Only your repentance can save you from eternal chastisement, for whoever repents, confesses Jesus, the Father will be pleased with him. I, your angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen. Your angel of the Lord." "My child. Make this known. It is very important.
--- Pray, My children. And pray especially for the children. They suffer so much in your world of abundance, glitter, poverty, cruelty, and especially in godlessness! Your mother in heaven. Amen."
Source: ➥