Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, January 12, 2014
You who are deep in faith will recognize the cunning !
- Message No. 408 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. I, your holy Mother in Heaven, and your saints who love and accompany you so much, are very happy about your visit.
My child. Tell Our children that the time is now approaching. The Antichrist is prepared and it will not be long before he is seen in your media. You who are deep in faith will recognize him, but you must continue to communicate with Us and always invoke the Holy Spirit.
My children. The evil one has planned everything for a long, long, long time, and now he sees himself at the end of his goals. Always have in mind that Jesus will come, because in this way you will be strengthened with hope and joy, and you will be able to bear the evils that are now coming.
There will be hard times, My children, even if many of you do not see it (yet). Many brothers and sisters in the Lord are suffering hardship, for persecution and fear-mongering have long been upon them. But they remain strong, because they believe in the Lord! And My Son carries for them, so that they can deal with this burden, this burden and the disgrace they are exposed to and are not "crushed".
My children. Hold on and persevere, because the lies of the evil one are cleverly concealed. He uses them so cunningly and purposefully and calculatingly that there is nothing you can do or say against them, for his lies have been planned for a long time, and now he is pulling his snares together. You who are deep in faith will recognize the ruse, but it is hard, very hard, to resist, to stand against, to tackle.
My children. Always trust in Heaven, in Us, your Heavenly Helpers, for We are always there for you and help where you ask Us! Surrender yourselves completely into the care of My Son, for thus He will act through you, speak and show you the way, in these now last, difficult times.
My children. Always have courage, for it will soon be over! The glorious time in the Kingdom of My Son will then dawn, and all of you will finally experience peace.
My children. It will be glorious. Believe and trust and never despair! Whoever surrenders to My Son will survive, but whoever joins men will perish. He will fall into despair, fear and depression and will not see a way out. So now ask the Holy Spirit to work in you and in all the children of the Lord, and pray the prayers that We have given you in these messages.
My children. Whoever doubts is not with My Son! Trust, surrender, consecrate yourselves to HIM, for in this way you will be preserved from harm. The devil will have no power over you, because you have given your YES to Jesus. But woe to him who follows those who run away, for he will be led astray and easily, very easily, get lost!
Trust completely in My Son and follow NEVER the masses, because they are led by the devil, who has sent out his wolves in sheep's clothing! So be warned! The glory is in My Son! HE is the truth, the light and the love and your way to eternity at the Lord's side. So be it.
With deepest love and attachment, your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
"Pray for My children. Thank you." Therese of the Child Jesus
Source: ➥