Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, January 10, 2014
My holy sword has the power of the Almighty Father!
- Message No. 406 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me, My beloved daughter, and listen to what I have to communicate to My children worldwide: I, your Holy Archangel Michael, stand ready for the final battle for souls, for the time is approaching and soon, very soon, this world will pass. A more beautiful, better, holier world will be given to you, because the Father loves you very much, and His peace shall be given to all children. Jesus is ready. HE will come to defeat the evil one, but many more of HIS children shall find their way to HIM.
Pray, My children, for your prayer will convert many souls!
Pray, My children, for your prayer will be heard!
I, your Holy Archangel Michael, stand ready to fight for each one of you, and My Holy Sword has the power of the Almighty Father to cut off, separate, defeat all evil from you before it can come to you.
Pray, then, My children, that I also grant you My protection, for the power given to Me by the Father is great, boundless the fear that Satan has before Me.
He, who is the wicked of the wicked, fears Me! He trembles and shakes with fear, for I am his greatest adversary from the angelic realm, and there is nothing he fears more than having to face Me in battle.
Therefore, call upon Me and pray to Me for protection, for truth and knowledge. I protect you, I preserve you, and I give you salvation, for the evil one gives way before Me, and My Holy Sword is more powerful than he.
Trust in Me, in the fight against evil! Call upon Me and pray to Me! I, your Holy Archangel Michael, will come and fight for you, now and at the end of these earth days. Amen. So be it.
I love you, and I protect you, if you ask Me with a sincere heart. Amen.
Your Holy Archangel Michael.
Leader of the Heavenly Hosts.
"My child. Use the protection of St. Michael the Archangel, for He is powerful and victorious, and the evil one fears Him greatly. Your Mother in heaven. Amen." Thank you, My child. Go now.
Source: ➥