Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Your church leaders have reached where they were during My Son's lifetime!
- Message No. 403 -

My child. My dear child. I love you. Do not despair. Your suffering is needed. You are one of Our atoning souls.
My child. What you saw this night is true. My Son suffers greatly, and HE does it for you, My so beloved children, but instead of finally converting to HIM, you continue to turn away from HIM more and more, and allow the faith in HIM, in your Savior, to totally fade and disappear.
Your church leaders have reached where they were already in the lifetime of My Son. They are superficially pious, but their hearts are impure. They honor and praise each other, although honor and glory are due to My Son, but HIM, the Son of the Almighty Father, they drive away more and more from your churches, until they have abolished everything that is truly holy and you find yourselves among pagan and satanic practices.
My children. Open your eyes and ears and give your YES to Jesus! So many souls suffer for you, but the greatest suffering is borne by My Son! He suffers maltreated and disgraced, because much harm is also done to HIM in satanic masses, but this, My children, is not (yet) intended for your knowledge. Know this much, however, that HE, the Son of the Almighty, humbles Himself again and again for you, My beloved children, so that each one may find HIM and his soul may be saved.
Come then, My children, and confess My Son! In this way, His suffering will be alleviated and His joy will be great. For for each one of you a place is created in His New Kingdom, and each one of you He wants to take with Him when He comes for the Second Time.
Confess to HIM! Give yourselves to HIM! And give HIM your YES, again and again! The greatest of all gifts is the consecration to HIM! Take it, because you will carry away the salvation and the happiness and the joy and you will be gifted with all His merciful love.
Come, My children, come, and your life will become beautiful and your eternity glorious. I love you, your Mother in Heaven. Amen.
"So be it."
"Believe the word of your Mother, for it was given to Her by the Father. Amen. Your angel of the Lord."
Source: ➥