Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, January 4, 2014
The days of the machinations of the evil one are numbered!
- Message No. 400 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming and hearing Me. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to tell you and Our children today the following: The end times are coming to an end, for the days of the machinations of the evil one are numbered, and all children who have already confessed My Son and do not blindly and deafly follow the wrong, that is, those who have truly invited Jesus into their heart, their life, their being, see with the greatest clarity, namely the clarity and purity of the Holy Spirit, which is given to every child who gives himself to My Son, lives with HIM and consecrates himself to HIM - you see, My children, how important the consecration to Jesus is -, these children will get through these last days joyful and hopeful and full of love and endowed with graces and enter full of joy into the New Kingdom of My Son!
So each one of you should give himself to My Son, because who gives himself completely to HIM, becomes one with HIM and can expect the end of your world in greatest serenity and live the remaining, quite difficult and for you very drastic time in this serenity and with joy, hope and cheerfulness in the heart, because who is one with My Son, knows that now soon the New Era is dawning and that the devil is only appearance, but not the truth, because that is ONLY THE LORD!
My children. Confess Jesus, and you too experience this wondrous joy within you! Go through your remaining days on earth with hope and joy, for the days of evil are numbered, and Jesus is coming soon, and to all those who follow HIM - and NOT THEM - HE will give peace in HIS New Kingdom. The joy of His faithful children will be great, the sorrow of the unfaithful and erring children as well. So come to HIM, to your Jesus, and give your soul eternal happiness at the Lord's side.
As soon as you give your YES to Jesus, your existence will change wonderfully. You will be gifted with more and more clarity, and the mists of the devil will be taken away from you. You will see the light of the Lord and feel His miracles, graces and blessings. You will change and see the world with different, new eyes, and cheerfulness and joy, fulfillment and recognition will be given to you.
My children. Open yourselves and give your YES to Jesus. Soon it will be too late, because whoever does not prepare himself for Jesus and for today's times, which are becoming more and more violent and difficult, will be drawn into the maelstrom of confusion and will be lost in darkness.
Be warned, then, and prepare yourselves! The days of evil are numbered, and then will come the reign of My Son. So be it.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
"My child. My daughter. Everything is prepared, except the hearts of many of Our children. Pray for them, for they need your prayer so much. Thank you, My faithful followers. Soon, very soon, I will come to you.
I love you so much.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Amen."
"My Son stands ready, for the Antichrist has crept among you. The final battle for souls will soon be fought, and victory over the earth will belong to My Son. So profess yourselves to HIM, to your Redeemer, for only in this way will you be able to enter His New Kingdom.
I love you.
Your Father in Heaven.
God Most High. Amen."
"The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. I, the angel of the Lord, tell you.
The time of the final battle has come, but the decision is still open. Only when the Lord, your Jesus, comes for the Second Time will the devil be finally defeated.
So turn to Jesus and do not continue to follow those who run away, because they capture souls for the devil, and only those who clearly give their YES to the Lord will be saved.
Open your hearts and keep away from the masses, for they blind you to the truth. I, the angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
"My daughter. Make this known. I love you.
Jesus and God the Father. Amen." Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥