Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, December 29, 2013
They will think he is who he is not!
- Message No. 393 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you, My daughter. It is important that Our children hear Our word.
My children. Be warned, for the Evil One of the Evil Ones has sent his Son, and he will not rest until all God's children have submitted to him. But do not be afraid, My faithful followers, for he who has confessed Jesus will not be able to harm him.
Nevertheless, be warned, for he uses cunning and trickery, and many of Our children will fall for him. They will take him for who he is not, just as so many of them are already following the false prophet.
My children. Wake up! I, your Father in heaven, warn you and ask you to take courage. Look carefully! Listen carefully! Call on the Holy Spirit, for HE will give you clarity.
Open your hearts and remain faithful to My Son when the worst times are now dawning. You will notice it only insidiously, for the evil one is cunning and skillful, yet he will work against all that is good.
Children! Open your eyes and listen to what the evil one says! Feel into your heart, and as soon as you notice, it does not feel pure, then keep your distance and do not follow the masses! The masses influence you! The cheers blind you! The charisma and the superficial "good deeds" will seduce you and you will be led astray!
Do not let this happen! My Son is the true love, and in purest love HE will come! But the other one does not know love and plays theater and show to you!
Be warned, because the true love brings you My Son, but the other one brings only empty words, and only by rhetoric, charisma and charming he will know how to win you.
Therefore be on your guard and give your YES to Jesus! Always ask the Holy Spirit for enlightenment and the Holy Archangel Michael for protection. Ask Him to cut off and keep away all evil from you and ask for His truth. Then you will be protected, and the clarity of the Holy Spirit will be given to you.
My children. The times are hard, stormy and cruel, but those who find their way to My Son will be spared from the worst tribulation.
So be it.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being.
"The Lord has spoken, so follow His call.
The end times will soon be over, and only His Holy Son will be able to save you. So give yourselves to HIM, to your Jesus, and surrender yourselves completely to HIM. Then the Holy Spirit will work in you, and you will be saved from terrors and evils.
I, the angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
"My child. Make all this known. We love you and are with you always. Amen. Your Mother in Heaven."
Source: ➥