Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, December 14, 2013
You are in the greatest danger!
- Message No. 376 -

My child. Your world looks sad. The Christmas hype has distracted you from the essentials, and few celebrate these days as it should be in honor of My Holy Son: in contemplation, in purity, in preparation and in joy for the Lord.
My children. 2000 years ago the Father gave you the Son, His own flesh and blood, but you do not appreciate this and live a life on the outside. But only the Father is important! He created you, He is there for you, He cares for you and your life, and He gives you all the most wonderful gifts. But you have turned away, taken your life into your hands and "cut off" from Him, Who gave you life.
My children. This is not the way to do it! Don't you see it? Misguided and disoriented you are "staggering" through this life, and most of you do not even know where you are going. You are aimless and misdirected, because if you knew where this life can take you, then you would turn back on the spot and pray and plead to the Father for mercy, help and grace! But since you no longer believe and trust only in yourselves, you do not see where you are going, and so many of you will be "devoured" by the devil!
You have abolished hell for yourselves and excluded life after death. Wrong! You are in the greatest danger! Find your way back to the Father, and give your YES to Jesus, because only HE will lead you home, and only with HIM you will experience the glories of the Lord.
Come, My children, come, for the Father loves you so much! He created each child with the greatest love, and He awaits each one of you with His open Father's heart, which radiates the purest love for each one of you.
So come to Jesus and find the way to the Father. Then the promises will also be true for you and your eternity will be great joy and peace.
So come, My children, and give your YES to Jesus. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, ask you to do so, and I promise to lead every child who turns to Me to My Son.
I love you. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
"There is not much time left. Convert."
Source: ➥