Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Consecrate yourselves to My Son in these days!
- Message No. 374 -

Let Heaven take care of you and live in the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!
My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to say this to you and to all Our children today: always be good to each other. Carry love in your hearts. Love your neighbor as yourself, because Jesus, My Son, will now come, and whoever does not have love for his neighbor, whoever is not good to others, whoever has a cold, petrified heart, will not recognize Jesus, that is, he will become afraid, because he will be overwhelmed with His love.
So he will run away from Him who is His Savior and take refuge in the "normality" that the devil has been holding out to him all his life, and his trap will snap shut, and he will steal his soul and take it with him, because My Son, Your Jesus, will defeat and condemn him, the beast, and all the souls who have not confessed My Son, that is, all those who have not given their YES to Him, who have not followed Our call of preparation, will be devoured by the lake of fire.
My children. Prepare yourselves, for the Second Coming of My Son is imminent. Use this Christmas, these holy days, to go within yourselves and to reflect. Reflection means to pay attention again to the essential, the important things in life, and nothing is more important than the love of the Lord in your heart, the preparation for Him, the Lord, and His incarnate Son on this Christmas 2000 years ago and the return home to the Father.
My children. Whoever gives himself to Jesus, himself and his life, will be happy. He will be taken care of, and he will not have to do anything that does not come from God, for the Father takes care of all His children, but you must give your consent to HIM.
My children. It is not too late! Consecrate yourselves to My Son in these days, and experience the great graces of the Lord that HE has in store for all who wish to accept them in this wonderful Christmas season.
Believe and trust and prepare yourselves, My so beloved flock of children. I, your loving Mother, bring you all to My Holy Son so that you may enter into His New Kingdom and thus none of you will be lost.
Come, My children, come and give yourselves completely to Us. Let Heaven take care of you and live in the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. So be it.
I love you.
Your mother in heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥