Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, December 6, 2013
Give yourselves completely to My Son this Christmas!
- Message No. 367 -

My child. My dear child. It is good that you have come. We are very happy.
This church has a place in your heart, because here you have been "formed", that is, prepared for all that you live today.
My child. Tell Our children to find their way back to Us, to attend Our Holy Masses and to let peace enter their hearts, because if they continue to run after pleasures and earthly things, they will be lost, because the peace of the Lord will never be in them, and where the heart does not feel peace, there is unrest, there is suffering, there is hatred and envy, and then quarrels will arise, and much discontent will be in and around you, and from the peace of the Lord you will thus move away more and more.
My children. Come to Us, all of you, and celebrate this Christmas with Us in contemplation and in honor to the Lord. Then peace can enter your hearts, love can be rekindled and you can find your way back to the Father.
Prepare yourselves, for My Holy Son, because soon HE will come back and show the right way. But only who has prepared himself for HIM will be able to receive HIM with joy, only who loves HIM will be able to face HIM, because His love is so extraordinarily great that you will not be able to endure it, should you not have prepared yourselves, and since this will be the last stage of the way on your earth, it is so extraordinarily important that you convert now.
Only the one who accepts My Son, gives HIM his YES and lives according to His teachings and the Father's commandments, will enter the New Glorious Era and eternally he will be united with the Father.
My children. Give yourselves completely to My Son this Christmas and let His miracles enter your lives, because HE who loves you so much is waiting for you, My so beloved children.
Come, My children, come, for it is not too late! So be it. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Amen, I say this to you: Set out on the way to Me and let bygones be bygones. Trust in Me and begin to give Me your love, for whoever loves Me will be filled with more and more of My merciful love.
Come to Me, My children, and let yourselves fall into My arms. I, your Jesus, am waiting for you. Amen.
Your loving Jesus. Redeemer of all God's children.
Source: ➥