Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, November 29, 2013
HE will come gigantically from heaven!
- Message No. 357 -

Bonaventure: "Good morning, My child. There you are again. Rest and be enlightened, for soon it will be Christmas, and great, shining children's eyes will be there wherever Our Lord dwells in the hearts of men."
My child. Do not attach your happiness to externals, for they have no value before God, Our Lord. Only he who is pure in heart and soul will withstand the Lord's love, but he who has raked in and hoarded earthly riches will not be given this love, for he cannot withstand it because he has not prepared himself for the Lord.
My children. Prepare yourselves for Jesus, because He will come, in the most radiant light and surrounded by the angels of the Lord. HE will come gigantically from heaven, and His rays of mercy will seize and move to tears those who sincerely believe in HIM and the Father, trust in You and have prepared for this great day.
But those who have not prepared for HIM will be blinded. They will hardly know how to endure these rays of love, and many will turn away to run away, but where to, they do not know. They will realize what is going on, and many will die of fear. Others will convert instantly, for their souls will recognize the Lord. The wicked will withdraw, for they cannot stand the light of the Lord.
My children. This will be a wonderful day, a moment for which so many of Our faithful children have been waiting and "working towards", because they are faithful to Jesus and have prepared themselves and will experience this day, the day of decision, with the greatest joy. But many have not prepared and have denied Jesus so much, so deeply within themselves, that they will be as if without comprehension and reaction. The Lord's love will be too much for them and they will leave "the earth".
My children, pray for these souls, for they are not mature enough to enter the New Kingdom of the Lord. This will be opened only when the ultimate battle has been fought. They will have to "learn" to trust the Lord and atone for their sins. They will then do this in Purgatory. But they must be ready to give their YES to the Lord, because this is the only way to enter into the glory of the Lord -after perfect purification-.
Therefore, My children, prepare yourselves while you are still alive, because whoever has to go to purgatory will experience the suffering of purification, and it will make his soul weep, because the soul will realize what it has done wrong, will deeply repent and will suffer AGAIN all the sin committed and experienced.
Be aware of this, My children. Purgatory is the purifying flame of the Lord and enables the one who did not behave well and did not atone during his lifetime to wash himself clean, in order to be able to come before the Lord after the purification has been completed. But whoever has lived well and in accordance with the will of God during his lifetime, whoever has repented of his sins and prepared himself for the Lord, will be spared purgatory, for Jesus will take him with Him into the newly created Kingdom.
My children. All this is still difficult for you to understand. Let it work in you and ask the Holy Spirit to decipher it. With Him you will understand so much more, and with Him you will clarify your questions. What you do not understand, let it settle and do NOT begin to interpret, because by doing so you are destroying the Word of the Lord!
Read, listen, understand and let what is said work in your heart, for the Lord lives in you, and he who lives with his heart, listens to his heart and makes his decisions with his heart will not err. So be it.
I love you.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
"My Mother has proclaimed the Word of the Lord to you. So receive it and take it up in yourselves. Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you and pray for all those who are not preparing. Amen. Your loving Jesus."
Source: ➥