Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, November 22, 2013
Accept the gifts of heaven!
- Message No. 352 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am here to tell you and Our children this: when My Son comes and takes you, your soul must be pure. It must have prepared itself, and it must have put away all sin. So always go to confession, My beloved children, for only in this way will you obtain indulgence from sin, for the mercy of My Son forgives you in every confession.
But, My dear children, show your repentance, for it is of no use to you to make a lip confession but not to feel repentance in your heart! Repent, then, of your sinful deeds, words, actions, and stay completely with God and My Son, because they keep you from sin, and They flood you with Their Divine love.
My children. Accept the gifts of Heaven! Seek out your Holy Masses! Confess! And be good to one another! Whoever has a pure heart has nothing to fear, but whoever is impure and full of sin, without repentance in his heart and only concerned about his advantage, whoever does not love others and does evil to them, will learn to fear, because when My Son comes to redeem all faithful children, he who is evil and disobedient, vengeful and selfish will have a rude awakening!
So turn back and give your YES to Jesus, for HE will help you on all your journeys. He will be with you at every stage of your life, and He will come to redeem you and take you to His New Kingdom, which the Father created for each of His children, and where you will finally peacefully and lovingly and perfectly happily share your lives with each other and with Jesus, your brother and Savior.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children. Amen.
Source: ➥