Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Do not let fear take you and therefore close your sanctuaries!

- Message No. 350 -


My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven, love you very much. Thank you for spreading Our Word, and thank you for putting yourself and yours and your life at the service of My Son.

My child. My faithful flower. Heaven is very saddened by what is happening worldwide, but especially where you are, for We see you suffering and We feel how much you need Our place.

My child. My sunshine. Pray that peace will return and that you will be able to continue to visit and enter your Holy Places, because coming to be with Us is so important for Our children!

It will be so hard if now your Holy Masses will also soon be taken away from you, so gather, My children, and carry all your Holy objects together, because this way you will continue to have the possibility to come to Us, to be with Us and to celebrate your Holy Masses according to Jesus' teachings!

Do not let fear take you and therefore close your sanctuaries! This is exactly what the devil wants: to intimidate you so much that you carry out "his" plans on your own, without him having to do anything else.

So be warned and hold on to your holy books and sacralia, because everything will be taken away from you and the teachings of Jesus will be replaced by pagan and satanic ones. My children. Be on your guard and protect what you have from Heaven. I love you, your Saint Bonaventure. Amen.

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