Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, November 16, 2013
- Message No. 345 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. Yes, We are very sad because what has happened and is happening in many places is very painful for Us and for you, My beloved children, yet We have foretold all this to you.
People have lost their respect for Us. They do not love Us, they do not want Us, and they would rather destroy everything than leave it for you, My beloved children, who are in faith.
Vandalism is a sin, but this vandalism is at the same time a desecration to Me, to your saints and to God the Father, because see what they do to Us, how they "destroy" Us and do not even have a bad conscience about it.
My daughter. I, your Jesus, suffer deeply, because this vandalism comes from the devil. He uses these souls to harm ME and therefore you.
My children. Always believe that I live on in your hearts, no matter how much more suffering they will inflict on Me. I love you, My faithful souls, and I will ask special graces for you from My Father, because I love you so much, those who are faithful to Me and share My pain.
My daughter. Tell Our children about these desecrations, for heads have been cut off from Us and Our faces disfigured.
My child. My dear child. We love you. Your suffering comforts Us, as does the suffering of all Our faithful children who feel the same bewilderment and powerlessness as you. You are not alone. None of you is ever alone.
Thank you for suffering with Us. You comfort Our hearts and ease Our pain.
My child. Share this with the world, for the devil is at work in your midst. Now look and see, for all this has been foretold to you for this time.
I love you, your Jesus with My Most Holy Mother and the saints who are deeply upset and saddened. Amen.
Bonaventure has tears in his eyes. All implore the Father that HE stop and forgive. They pray for those who have violated, so that they may find the right path. What a love that forgives and understands everything.
Source: ➥