Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Finally start believing in Our Word in these messages!
- Message No. 333 -

My child. My dear child. Do not despair. You are Our chosen soul to prepare the hearts of Our children worldwide, for My Son, for His Second Coming, for the entrance into the New Kingdom.
My children. Whoever does not prepare himself, whoever does not give his YES to Jesus, whoever puts himself above God, the Lord and Creator, will be lost, because his soul is not prepared, not for Jesus, not for His Second Coming, not for the entrance into the New Kingdom, nor for all the glories that the Father has in store for each one of His children.
My children. Find the way to My Son! Give your YES to Him, your Savior, and finally begin to believe in Our Word in these messages! We, the whole Heaven, are ready for you! You only have to ask Us and We will come. Believe and trust and do not doubt! All doubts come from the adversary, but clarity is given to you by the Holy Spirit. Pray to Him! Ask HIM! And you will know what is true and what is false.
My children. I love you. Do not interpret Our Word, for that is not your place! Inhale it! Take it into your hearts! Pray and ask for clarity and understanding and let it work in you, in your hearts! He who decides with his heart will see clearly, but he who switches off his heart and decides only with his mind will misstep! Your mind is not enough to understand the mysteries of the Lord. Your heart, however, receives them, feels the love in them and begins to love itself.
My children. Listen in and to your heart, and then the Word of the Lord will become clear to you, the love in His words will be felt, and the change in you will be visible.
My children. Everything that We give you in these messages is only for your preparation and comes exclusively from God, Our Father and Lord, because it is HE who gave the commission to Us, His heavenly servants, and it is HE who, through Me, His handmaid, your Mother in Heaven, chose Mary for the Divine preparation of hearts for this "work."
I love you, My children, and I pray for you at the throne of the Lord, the Father Almighty. Thank you for responding to My call. In deep love and attachment, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
"Amen, I say to you: Listen to Our Word in these messages, for it is for your preparation for what is to come.
Stop comparing, condemning, and finding fault, for it is the Word of the Lord that is given to you through Us.
Mary of Divine Mercy is Our prophetess of the end times.
Mary to the Divine Preparation of Hearts helps you to prepare yourselves, to find Me and to give Me your YES.
Do not compare them, for that must not be.
Start listening to Our Word and don't give doubts a chance. These come only from the adversary, but not from My Holy Spirit, who gives clarity, purity and love.
Let him who doubts pray, for the Holy Spirit has not yet revealed Himself to him.
Now accept Our gifts that We have in store for you in Our messages, and go all the way to Us.
He who is truly with Us will know the truth and nothing will plunge him into doubt anymore.
Listen to Our word and let the seers be seers!
I love you, My children, and will come again, as We tell you many times and again.
Hold on a little longer and stick together.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"My Son has spoken, so listen to His word.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being."
Source: ➥