Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, October 21, 2013
Just put yourselves in His service, and you will find out what it is that HE intended for you!
- Message No. 316 -

My child. What is coming now is not nice, and much suffering will be experienced by the hearts of Our children, but whoever believes and trusts will always feel Our love in his heart, he will feel joy and feel happiness, because it is the Divine Joy and Heavenly Happiness, for with it We bestow on Our faithful children, no matter what situation they are in.
We are always there for you, with you and with you. Always keep this in mind, be aware of it, for We are there to help you. We rejoice you and fill your hearts with love. We give you Our joy so that you may survive these now so difficult times and remain faithful to Jesus, your Jesus.
My children. It is beautiful for Us to see that you also love Us. We rejoice in your prayers and in your sacrificial candles and visits. Be sure that We always hear you and intercede for you. You only have to ask Us, and with the greatest love We pray for you before the Father.
My children. Your prayer is the strongest thing you have. Use it for yourselves, for your loved ones, for your fellow men, because it does so much good. Ask and you will be helped, or the one for whom you ask, but everything must be in accordance with Our Lord's Providence, i.e. whoever sacrifices himself, gives his life for God, Our Lord, your prayer will not save him from a martyr's death, because it is the free will of this person to offer this great sacrifice to Our Lord, and believe for certain that this soul will immediately enter into the glory of the Lord, because what greater sacrifice could you offer to HIM than to give your life to HIM.
My children. Do not think that you all have to do this. Each one of you has his own special task and each one of you has his own free will. Find out what the Lord God has planned for you! Find out what you want to do for Him. A prayer is enough. Accepting suffering will also be greatly rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven. Commitment to the teachings of Jesus, that is, passing them on, also.
There are so many things you can do to please the Lord God. Just put yourself in His service and you will find out what it is HE intended for you! Be open to Him and His love! Listen to your heart and pray for the gift of clarity.
My children. More and more you will come closer to the Lord, more and more you will understand His secrets, and more and more you will discover the lies of your present time.
My children. I love you. Set out on the way of the Lord and be always ready for His and Our call, because it is always the Lord who gives Us the mission to be in contact with you.
So be it. I love you.
Your Bonaventure.
Source: ➥