Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Never must you follow the masses!
- Message No. 303 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning. I, your Mother in Heaven, wish to express My thanksgiving to you, My beloved children, for many are you who honor Me, many are you who pray for Me and My impending desecration, and much can My Holy Son, with the consent of His Most Holy Father, Our Lord, Creator of the world and all being, now mitigate so that My Most Holy Face may be preserved. My children. My desecration will be terrible, cruel and full of suffering for Me, your beloved Mother in Heaven. My Son, who is more and more expelled from your churches, is in great pain and His Sacred Heart suffers to see Me, His Holy Mother and Mother of all God's children, so despised and dishonored by those who "officially" should preserve and pass on His Church and His teachings unadulterated. My children. Cruel deeds are planned. Terrible times are coming. The suffering on your earth will grow and become more and more and the devil's takeover will thus leave visible signs on your earth and in your lives. Once again We warn you, My so beloved children, that you should NOT fall into the traps of the devil, because his false prophet lies and deceives you! He speaks with a "forked tongue", everything he says can be compared to 2 blades of a sword, i.e. it (what is said) can be interpreted, interpreted, as it just fits and pleases, and the background is understood by the fewest of Our so beloved children! So be warned and always on your guard, because that, what is played to you from the highest church position, is nothing but a juggler's game and has absolutely nothing to do with the truth of My Holy Son! How can you, My beloved children, really believe that someone who has run away is authorized to change the word of the Son, which is in unity with the word of His Father in heaven? How can you cheer and follow someone who has run away and whose statements are so confusing and misleading? Do you not see the danger that lurks behind it? Do you not see the diabolical hand that has prepared all this for decades and centuries? Do you not see it, My so beloved children? You must, to protect yourselves and all your loved ones, open your eyes and ears! You must look and listen, and never follow the crowd! You must listen to your heart and implore the Holy Spirit to show you the way of truth, to guide you and give you clarity. Otherwise, little children, you will be easily lost, because without the truth in your heart, you will be enclosed by the devil's veils of mist, lulled and veiled, so that the truth will be withheld from you, but the lie can be sold as truth. So be warned and always be on your guard. Heaven is ready for you, so turn to Us and remain faithful to My Son. Amen. Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
So pray for clarity and truth and purity, for this is how the Holy Spirit can work in you: Prayer #29: Prayer for clarity and purity .
Oh, My Lord, I love You so much. My faithfulness I give to You, as well as my love for You.
Now come also You, My Holy Spirit, and enlighten my heart with truth. Fill it with Divine Love and give me clarity and purity.
Oh, My Heavenly Helpers, come also to my side. Help me to remain clear and pure and save me from the snares of the evil enemy.
This prayer spoken will guide everyone through these now so confusing and misleading times.
It will keep the heart of everyone who prays it -for himself and for others- in purity and love, and it will protect you from the snares of the devil.
Pray it, My beloved children, daily, for it preserves you from the decay of faith, the decay of truth. So be it.
I love you.
Your Jesus with My Most Holy Mother.
Source: ➥