Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Do not be captivated by obstacles and disturbances that the devil scatters!
- Message No. 297 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am here with you and guide you. Never despair, for all that We load on your shoulders is for the salvation of other souls, so that My Son can reach them and transform them, thus giving them a chance for eternity in Paradise.
Go about your daily affairs today, for We now need you more in service to Us. Never worry, because My Holy Son is there for you. He protects you, He cares for you and of course for your own.
My children. Learn to give everything, no matter what it is, to My Son, your Jesus, so that you may be free, free to serve US. My Son, together with all the Heavenly Helpers, is there for you and will take care of everything you hand over to HIM.
Believe and trust and do not try to do everything alone, because you cannot. If you are not free from burden and obstacles, you are limited for serving Us, you are distracted and often plagued with worry.
Therefore, My beloved children, surrender EVERYTHING to My Son. HE will judge it, carry it for you and make you free from every burden.
Believe and trust. Always. We are there for you, because We love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Jesus who loves you so much.
"Amen, I say this to you: Do not be taken captive by obstacles and disturbances that the devil scatters to dissuade you from serving ME.
Surrender to ME that which oppresses you, that which is difficult to (endure) and that which prevents you from being completely with ME. I, your Jesus, take it from you and carry your burden, and your heart will be freed from the snares of the evil one.
Remain faithful to ME at all times and pray for your fellow brothers and sisters, for many are still lost, unwilling or unaware to convert. With your prayer I also reach themand can so mitigate many of the planned outrages.
Pray, My children, for your prayer is needed. Amen.
I thank you.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
Source: ➥