Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Only in this way will you be strong enough to get through these times!
- Message No. 293 -

My child. My dear child. My beloved daughter. Now, when the desecration of My Most Holy Mother begins, you must be ready for Me, your Jesus, because more than ever you must trust in Me, your Savior, entrust everything to Me, your Jesus, and call upon Me, your Holy Bro, to help you, for only in this way will you be strong enough to survive these times that are now coming, only in this way will you be able to distinguish the lies from the truth and only in this way will you be able to keep love in your hearts, because this now coming "hard" time will be a challenge of all God's children, and you must remain pure in heart and soul, because only in this way you will remain close to Me, only in this way you will allow Me, your Jesus, to work through you, and only in this way you will remain true children of the Lord, because what good is it for you to carry out anger and resentment, when this is exactly what the Adversary is spreading among you, so that he can also get into your hearts and steal your soul!
Be careful and warned, and when you have feelings of anger, powerlessness, resentment and wrath, hand them over to Me, your Holy Jesus. In this way, your soul remains pure, your hearts at peace, and you do not sin. The devil does not get power over you and cannot steal your soul.
My children. My beloved children. Hold out this time yet, for soon it will be over, and I, your Jesus who loves you so much, will come to redeem you, and together we will enter My New Kingdom.
I love you. Thank you for following Our call. Always listen to the Word of My Most Holy Mother, for it is Her mission to heal and prepare many more souls through this Word.
Thank you, My children. I love you.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children.
"My child. My Son speaks the truth.
Your/Your Father in heaven, who awaits you with open arms. Amen."
Source: ➥