Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, September 28, 2013
The devil is now expanding his power!
- Message No. 289 -

My child. My dear child. Enjoy your days here on your earth, because soon they will pass and suffering and distress will spread over them, because these evil, inhuman and -despising plans of the evil one do not bring anything good for you and your world, and so you have to pray that it will not become so bad and that God the Father may put a stop to it, because these plans serve for the destruction of everything that is good and comes from God and for the absolute takeover of the devil of your and your world.
My children. With your prayer you mitigate very much, but you must pray intimately and in love!
Intermittent prayers throughout the day for those who have little time, because they are involved in work and family, will also be heard and answered! Pray in the intentions of Jesus,for then you are praying for salvation in yourselves, others and your world, as well as for the conversion and preparation of souls who are still going astray. Moreover, We use these prayers wherever they are urgently needed! Pray, pray, pray and always ask for the Holy Spirit, because HE has the power and the gift to "enlighten" you, and thus you will pray and decide exactly the right thing.
My children. Believe and trust and set out on the path to the Father, those of you who are not yet walking it. Only the Father will give you eternal peace and heal you from all the evils of this oh so beautiful world that the adversary is destroying.
My children. Be good to each other and live as if it were your last day, for then you will be prepared for whatever may come and run towards Jesus, My Son, in joy.
My children. I love you. Always I will be with you, giving you protection and guiding you, but you must follow My call and turn to Me. Your free will We respect and only the one who comes to Us with a repentant heart We can help.
My children. I love you ALL so much. If you knew how great My love is for each one of you, you would already be in My arms, and evil could no longer harm you. Unfortunately, many do not know My love, do not know about it, or do not even want it.
Always remember, My children, that it is never too late to come to Me and My Son. Whenever you feel the call, the longing in your heart, We will be there for you and receive you into the circle of faithful souls who will enter into the glory of the Lord. We will guide you, take care of you, and you will lack nothing. We will heal all your wounds of heart and soul, and wash you clean from all sin, but you must ask Us, for We will never act against your free will.
My children. Come to Us, and let yourselves fall into the all-embracing love of the Lord. Here you will be fine, and your soul will be free and happy at last, and you will not have to be afraid of anything. Begin the way to Us, and do not let yourselves be held captive in the matter of your present world, for it is nothing but appearance and a veil of mist, where the devil has been up to his mischief for a long time. Put all this aside andstay away from sin. You must not give in to even the smallest temptations, for the devil uses them to trap you.
My children. If you want to be free from sin, go to the consecrated priests of My Holy Son in confession. For HE, My Son, will absolve you of all sin through Him, His ordained priest, but you must confess it and repent.
My children. Accept all the help that We make available to you, for it is the way to the New Glory. Do not stay in the old rut, but do something for yourselves and your soul! Your salvation is important, as well as the salvation of your brothers and sisters. He who is not whole in soul will never be truly happy and to him the treasures and the glories of His Father will remain closed.
My children. Turn back! Prepare yourselves for the coming time. My Son is now coming up from heaven soon and all faithful souls will then go with HIM.
My children. Do not wait any longer, for the devil is now expanding his power. He will capture everyone who is not prepared, therefore hurry up and give Jesus your YES. The YES will work miracles, for the devil will then have to give way and Jesus will be with you united with Us all
Now come, My children, for the time does not wait and give your YES to My Son. So the miracles will also happen in your life, and with patience and perseverance you will see them grow and become more and more and greater.
So be it.
I love you.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not listen to My Mother, whoever does not follow Her call, whoever does not prepare himself and persists in the old, will do himself no good, for he gives the devil a chance to steal his soul.
Therefore, prepare yourselves and come to Me. With your YES to Me, I will be able to free you from the clutches of evil, and on the day of great joy, you will then enter My New Kingdom together with Me.
Believe and trust and be faithful to Me, your Jesus. Then the prophecies will also come true for you and 1000 years of peace will be yours.
So be it.
I love you.
Your Jesus. Amen."
"My child. Make this known. Our word is needed. Keep writing for Us. Amen. We thank you. Jesus and Mary."
Source: ➥