Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, September 27, 2013
With patience you will come to understand this mystery!
- Message No. 287 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Thank you for answering My call and coming.
My child. What awaits you will be beautiful for those who remain devoted to Us, My Son and God the Father.
It is important that Our children know this, because whoever is not faithful, whoever is carried away and seduced, We cannot lay these great glories at his feet, for he would trample them underfoot, for his soul is not pure but stained with sin, and the devil keeps tempting him, and only the one who is pure, resisting temptations and seductions, will be able to enter the New World, where heaven and earth will unite without becoming one, and where the Lord's love and His peace will be with you forever.
My children. To understand the mysteries of this New World requires patience and guidance. Guidance by Us, because only gradually We will initiate you into these mysteries, because it exceeds your capacity as present earth children to recognize this mystery as it is. Patiently and in perfect love We will reveal more and more to you, but you must also have this patience and not interpret "your own things" into this wonderful mystery, because only with patience you will learn to understand this mystery in very small steps.
Always remember that for God, Our Father, nothing is impossible, because HE is Almighty, and HE possesses the omnipotence to form everything as HE deems it right and which has only remotely to do with your present world. I.e. not that now, when the gates to the New Jerusalem will open, everything will be completely different, because you will continue to live there as human children, and nevertheless it will be different, because there is neither the sin, nor the evil, nor disturbing effects.
My children. Believe and trust. It will be simply wonderful! You will become perfect and then, when you have attained perfect purity, you will ascend to God the Father in His Kingdom of Heaven without having to die.
My children. It will be "fantastic" (your language), because such a thing has not been possible for you here on earth until now!
My children, rejoice, because I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, know about this wonderful feast that Heaven holds for the one who has attained perfect purity and is elevated to Heaven! Be sure that it will be so, because that is how the Father has planned it.
My children. Your joy will be great! You will not mourn for a beloved soul, as you do now, here on your earth, when it "passes away from you", but you will rejoice with it, because you know about this great joy that awaits the soul in the Kingdom of God.
Do not confuse the New Kingdom with the Kingdom of Heaven, for these are two different kingdoms, though connected, but where only those can go to the Father who are either already with HIM or those who have attained that degree of purity and have been elevated there, into the Father's Kingdom.
My children. This is a very complex subject and it is quite enough for you to know that it will be absolutely wonderful in the New Jerusalem, also called Paradise. So, make a little effort and prepare yourselves, because when My Son will come to you soon, you must be ready and have given Him your YES.
My children. No one can avoid this yes who does not have the deepest desire to enter into eternal damnation, because as soon as you depart from your earth, there is only Jesus or the demon, and he tears and tugs at you. He assaults you, but if you say YES to Jesus, then he loses all power over you and has to let you go, with Jesus. So it will be on earth now, for on the day of great joy you must say YES to Jesus, for otherwise the Adversary will come and take you away into the lake of fire.
My children. Get ready for My Son, because only those who are prepared will receive this wonderful gift of the New Glory, so glorious, and live in eternal happiness with Jesus. So be it.
Come to My Son, for HE is waiting for you.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Source: ➥