Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, September 22, 2013
By following Our call, you will be given the "power" to avert the worst evils!
- Message No. 281 -

My child. My dear child. Come back to Us and do not worry, because everything We say to you and to you, Our children worldwide, is for your good, because by hearing Our Word and following Our call, you are given -through your prayer- the "power" and the "strength" to avert, stop and even stop the worst evils!
Be aware of this power and might of prayer -your prayer- and use it, employ it in the fight against evil and thus save yourselves and millions of souls who would otherwise -without your powerful prayer- be lost.
My children. Convert! Find the way to My Son! A YES to HIM from you and your conversion will begin! You don't have to do much for it, because it will be an automatic process, and more and more you will be "changed" by the divine love of the Lord, and more and more and closer you will come to HIM, until finally you will find completely to HIM and will live fulfilled and full of joy.
My children. Do not let yourselves be "weakened" by the forged plans of the evil one to lead you astray, to "possess" you, to control you, to torture you, to make you suffer and to seduce you. Listen to Our Word in these messages and believe and trust!
No child who is faithful to Us will be lost. This is what We promise, My Holy Son and I, your loving Mother in Heaven!
Thank you for hearing Me and following My call. I love you. My Sacred Mother Heart feels with you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
"Follow the call of My Most Holy Mother, and all will be well for you. I, your Jesus, will then take care of you and take care of Me in ALL the affairs of your life. Never despair, for your soul will be saved. This I promise you by My Sacred Heart.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Amen."
"Come, My children, come, for My Son awaits you. HE will guide you through these terrible days and each one of you who gives HIM his YES will find Me. Amen.
Your loving Father in Heaven.
Creator of all being."
--- "The Lord has spoken. So follow His call. I, your angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen."
Source: ➥