Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, September 16, 2013
The New Jerusalem is completed.
- Message No. 273 -

My child. My dear child. Enjoy the time, because soon everything will be different.
My children. My children so loved by Me. Prepare yourselves, for Heaven is ready for you! The New Jerusalem is completed and the keys to it will now soon be handed over to My Son. God the Father is happy to see you all preparing for this wonderful day, but He also looks anxiously at those of you who still have not realized what is happening right now, and especially those of you who are falling into the traps of the beast, following him and thus running in the wrong direction, namely towards the beast and away from the Father, are causing Him, the Lord Almighty, much worry.
So imminent is the redemption of all His children from sin, yet so many of His children do not see the times in which they live. They do not believe in the Holy Word of their Father, given through Us to all the seer children, and they get lost in the labyrinth of evil and risk their salvation and salvation, because if they do not repent, repent and find Jesus, they will not be able to enter into this millennial kingdom of peace that the Father prophesied to you so long ago.
My children. Turn back! Find the way to the Father and the Son, for only in this way will you participate in this era of peace. You will see your children grow up in happiness and joy, and true love will be bestowed upon them. They will make marriages of love, and their children will be true children of God. There will be no more sin, and your growing generations will be holy, that is, they will live as the Lord God, Our Father, has intended for Us/you since the beginning, and there will be no temptation and seduction in these thousand years.
So get ready, My children, for great is the joy of Heaven, for soon the devil will be no more, for the New World will come down and be pure. Get up and get ready. For this is how it will be.
Your loving Mother in heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥