Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Give HIM your YES, and your conversion will begin!
- Message No. 269 -

My child. My flower. No independence is good, because you do not live together. You must love each other, share with each other and stop living the hatred fomented by the wicked! When you face each other, there is no hatred, but when you talk about others, you talk about them with hatred, anger, envy and selfishness.
I, Saint Bonaventure, tell you that this is not good! You are moving away from the Kingdom of Heaven and hurting yourselves and the other. Live happily and contentedly! Live together in love and joy! Find solutions TOGETHER and do not constantly blame the others!
I, your Saint Bonaventure, tell you that you are One! One country, one world - and only if you live in peace with each other, you have a chance for the eternity of the Lord! There is so much misery and hatred in your world, but if you would all stick together, the misery would be alleviated and the hatred would vanish. You always want to have your way, but this is not the way to live in peace.
Only he who lives with God will accept the other as he is, because he will look at the positive, what this person carries in himself and accept everything negative with love and thus please the other as well! Look at your children. If they are unrested, tired or overwhelmed, then you go in love to them and deal with them, and your children CHANGE! It is the same with your fellow man!
No matter where you are in your world, which nationality, skin color or religion you have, if you meet your fellow men in love, then this love comes back to you and there would be no more quarrels among you! But you are stubborn and thick-headed, egoistic -my will be done, not yours- and want to repay like with like or even worse. STOP! You must not do that! You are destroying yourselves, your chance for an eternity in peace at the Lord's side!
You are harming yourselves, others and everyone you love! Don't you see it? Be good to each other! And live peacefully and in joy with each other, because only the devil benefits from your quarrels! He delights in your divisions: Families, friendships, countries,...! He laughs in his face, because with every anger feeling in your hearts you go more and more into his snares, until he finally catches you completely and takes possession of your heart. Once he has "moved in", it goes steadily "downhill" with you, and the way to the Father he veils with mists so that you can hardly find it. You go closer and closer to the abyss, and the more the devil spreads in your heart, the more you move away from the Father.
So live peacefully and well together and help each other instead of fighting! Love each other instead of fighting each other! And care for each other instead of thinking only of yourselves! Only loving togetherness will bring you closer to the Father, but those of you whose hearts are driven by the devil will not find your way to the Father! The devil will take possession of your soul, steal it and you will be lost forever.
This is how it will be if you are not good. This is how it will be if you do not confess Jesus. Give your YES to HIM, the only true Son of the Lord - and your conversion will begin, no matter how deeply you are rooted in darkness, because nothing is impossible for HIM, the Almighty Father, and whoever says YES to His Son will not be lost.
So be it.
Your loving Saint Bonaventure.
Source: ➥