Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Where there is discord in one's own land, there the devil will always prevail!
- Message No. 268 -

My child. My dear child. We know what is happening in your world and we look with concern at what is happening on your earth. Even where you are, there is so much resentment, so much hatred and pride, but people think they are in the right and close themselves off from the truth.
Here too, and especially here, the inhabitants allow themselves to be blinded, swallow the lies that "one" feeds them and twist the truth in such a way that in the end they are still convinced that it is good what they are fighting for, but they do not see the evil that has crept in and close themselves off from the truth.
Blindly they follow those who "incite" them, who "steal" from them, who act corruptly and thoroughly against the good of their people, but they refuse to see the truth, they refuse to live peacefully and in love with each other, so stubborn and steeped are they in their pride, ego and arrogance.
My children. If you do not all stand together, evil will overtake you. You will be "incapacitated" and will no longer have any say. You are building your own trap and playing to the one who deceives you! Wake up and form yourselves to a unity instead of competing against each other!
Where there is discord in your own land, there the devil will always win! Laughing at you, he will stir up your pride and arrogance, because he knows that he can get you over it, catch you and have an easy game with you. So distracted from the essentials are you that you get entangled in the snares of evil!
Put away pride and arrogance, for they do not come from God! ALL of you are brothers and sisters, therefore live in love and in joy with each other! It is your pride that stands in your way, and it is arrogance that will bring you down, for before God all children are equal! But you exalt yourselves and put yourselves above your brothers, and that will mean your fall into the abyss of the lake of fire, because Pride and arrogance come from the devil himself, and if you live with the devil, seize his "qualities" (because they are not virtues!) and live according to them, then only the abyss remains for you as the last abode!
"But those who live peacefully and in love with each other, I, your Jesus, will take them with Me and reserve for them a place in the kingdom of My Father. For it is they who suffer from you and your presumptuous behavior, therefore I will lift them up, send My Holy Spirit over them and inspire them with My Father's Divine Grace. I will stand by their side and fight for their soul.
But you who do not put away pride and arrogance, I will not be able to save you, for you have been caught in the devil's net, and more and more have tightened his snares, and through the sin of pride and arrogance you will have to eke out your existence under him.
So put aside your sins, repent and do penance. Begin again to treat your brothers and sisters lovingly - and treat them as you want to be treated: with love, with joy and with peace in your heart.
Then, My beloved children, I will inspire you too, and My Holy Spirit will come upon you, and fight I will for you, for I love each one of you, but the one who is full of sin and does not repent, the one who puts himself above his fellow brothers and is hostile to them, the devil will take him away on the day of great joy, when I come to you and take with Me all of you who are pure in heart.
I love you. Repent and come to Me, your Jesus. Amen."
Your loving Mother in Heaven and Jesus who loves you so much. Mother of all God's children and Savior of the world.
Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥