Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, September 9, 2013
The grace of God.
- Message No. 265 -

My child. My dear child. It's good to have you back. I thank you very much and from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful journey you made in My honor, because since you made it as a Rosary pilgrimage, the whole journey became in My honor. Thank you, My child.
My children. It is beautiful to see how many children go on pilgrimage to My Holy Places. The faith of these people is great, and it moves Me to tears. If only all Our children knew about the graces that are given to them through such a pilgrimage, in streams they would rush to Us, but they do not see it or do not want to see it.
Not many know about the graces of the Lord. Most of the children of men do not understand what grace is, what it means. Grace is a gift of God that can benefit a single person or the whole humanity. Without the grace of God, no one would find his way back to the Kingdom of Heaven, for all of you are sinners, and afflicted with sin you cannot come before the Father.
That is why the grace of the Lord is so important! It gives you improvement in life, makes you "grow", realize, be happy! It "raises" you from the mire of sin and sorrow and ultimately leads you to the Father Himself. She grants you so much joy in life and so wonderfully beautiful moments. She heals, she loves, she uplifts!
Without the grace of God, you would drown in the mire of lies, deceit, evil, wickedness, sin. You would be dragged down into the abysses of darkness, and you would be madly miserable. Through the grace of the Father, however, you will be given again and again! With joy, with happiness, with love. Fulfilled moments and help where you see no way out on your own.
The grace of the Lord keeps you alive, because if God did not want you, did not love you, then you all would not be here. Therefore, My so beloved children, come and go on pilgrimage to Our Holy Places. There We will bestow upon you great graces.
But go on pilgrimage with love and joy in your hearts, and pray to Us. Our blessings We give you, and Our graces We bestow upon you. Do Us honor, and so it will be. I love you, My beloved children.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"So be it. Your Jesus, who loves you so much. Amen."
Source: ➥