Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Be ready to distinguish My True Son from the son of the evil one!
- Message No. 258 -

My child. My dear child. Serious attacks are being made on you. Accept them. Take them to the Father, and then continue your journey with Us, to Us and completely in Our service. Nothing bad will happen to you. Be certain of this, for We promise you this.
My daughter. Time is short. So many of our flocks still need to be shepherded, that is, prepared for the time that is now coming, so that they can accept and bear the suffering that will overtake your earth andbe ready to distinguish My True Son from the Son of the Evil One, withstand Him and the evil group, thus not falling prey to it, following and submitting to it, in order to then recognize My Only True Son, your Jesus, greet Him with joy and walk with Him.
My children. Times are not getting easier, but know that We are always with you. Call Us and We will come! Ask Us for help, and We will help! Pray, pray, pray, for your prayer is strong and powerful and will put the evil one in his place.
Come to Us, to Me, to My Son, and great will be the joy of us all, for on the day of great joy, when Jesus comes to you, fights the beast and sets you free, conquers and then takes you with Him, the prophecies will have been fulfilled and all suffering will come to an end. Evil will no longer exist and eternal peace will be given to you. My fatherly love will fill each one of you, because I surround you and flood you with it. True joy and deepest bliss will be part of your everyday life, and so happy and grateful will you be that you pay tribute to ME. There is nothing more beautiful for Me to know that so many of you will find your way home, and My joy will be overflowing when that day finally dawns.
So come to Us, to My Son and to Me, and eternally, in greatest happiness and completely fulfilled, We shall share Our life together in love.
I love you, My children so loved by Me, and I look forward to this great day.
Eternally united, your Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being.
"Amen, I say this to you: Listen to what My Holy Father says to you, for HE who is true love, HE who is the only truth, HE who sent you His Holy Spirit, has spoken to you.
I love you, your Jesus."
Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥