Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Pray in all My Son's intentions, then the "infestation" of your earth will be mitigated. - 27. on
- Message No. 245 -

My child. My dear child. I am glad you are here now.
My child. Do not despair. Your days on earth are numbered. All that Our visionary children have reported and reported worldwide, Our word that you, My beloved visionary children, have passed on to the world, will now arrive and your world will crumble. First it will be crushed, for your rights will be taken away from you. Pray, My children, that this will not be too bad for you. Pray in all My Son's intentions, then the "infestation" of your earth, the evil that is to befall you as normal children of God, will be mitigated.
Prayer will help you, and prayer will save you. Believe and trust and always follow My Son, for HE is the way to your Father and to the New World, which closes its gates to all those who do not confess My Son. Therefore, turn away from evil, repent of your sinful deeds and come to Jesus, your Savior, because otherwise you will be lost when the time of the end comes and you continue to live blind and deaf in your illusory world.
My children. Time is short. Everything will now come blow by blow, even if many of you do not realize it. You are too busy with yourselves to recognize the signs of the time and the upheaval. Put 1 and 1 together and see what is happening around you. Don't wait for things to get "better" or "different" because they won't. All this is only pretense. You are being played with like puppets in a play. Yet the Lord has endowed you with a mind and with reason! But neither do you understand, nor do you act rationally, because your mind is manipulated and "drilled" on appearance and ego like your reason, which you use anything but rationally.
You have "abandoned" your heart, do not act and live according to it, even though it is your heart that makes you make rational decisions, and it is your heart with which you understand. Unfortunately, you have separated all this from each other, and now look where it has led you! Live with the heart and decide with it! Your heart must be open and full of life! It must accommodate joy and process sorrow! He who has "turned off" his heart, closed, closes himself to life and never finds God. For a closed heart withers, grows cold, petrifies and hardens. Do not let it come to that! Open your heart and live the love that dwells in it! It is God the Father who gives you this love, which is constantly renewed, but you must have opened your heart!
Out of this love, say YES to My Son, and your love will become greater and greater and more and more intimate! Get involved in this wonderful adventure and become true children of God again. I love you, each one of you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
"So be it. Your Jesus and God the Father. Amen."
Source: ➥