Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Long since you have been unable to bear the truth!
- Message No. 242 -

My child. Your world is coming to an end, but most of you do not want or see it. You live far away from reality and let yourselves be blinded by the media and the masses, who through their cheering and their "monkey dances" do not see WHO they are cheering and for WHOM they are performing their dances of joy. You people are so blinded and just don't want to see the truth. As long as you are still doing well, everything seems to be acceptable, only nothing bad must hit you. Then your illusory world collapses like a house of cards, your so-called friends turn away from you, because who are you now, what can you still offer them and the world? Without money, high positions, designer clothes and cars, you are nothing in your beloved illusory world - and in order not to lose your level, pretty much any means will do. You are egoistic and heartless and get lost more and more in appearances, because long ago you can't bear the truth anymore, because it means a radical change of yourselves and your lifestyle. You could get a conscience again, and that's why you are afraid, because you know all too well from your innocent childhood days that there was something that felt bad for you, as pressure, as remorse, every time you had done something "bad". For too long you worked on the disappearance of this conscience, and you managed to turn it off for your needs. You are important. Only you. For this, any means will do. Oh how wrong, how low, how abominably you behave! Don't you know that your conscience saves you from evil deeds? Do you not know that it keeps you from sin? You have so overstretched what God the Father has given you as a "warning sign" that you sin without repentance, and this has fatal effects, first on those around you, because you harm them or others, and then, of course, on yourselves, because with every sin you distance yourselves from God the Father. Become good again, "turn on" your conscience and change! Then you will be able to prepare yourselves for the days to come and to approach the end of this world known to you with joy. Confess yourselves to My Son, to your Jesus, and ask Him for help and guidance. Then you too will be able to live in joy and face the facts of the time. You will call things by their names and not walk blindly and deluded through the end times. Wake up! Change yourselves! And come to My Son! Heaven awaits each one of you, and God, the Father of us all, will forgive your sins, so great is His love for you. Come, My children, come. Heaven awaits you, but you must take the first step. So be it. Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children. Amen. "Amen, I say this to you: whoever continues to live in delusion, whoever refuses to give Me his YES, whoever does not repent and does not listen to the word of My Most Holy Mother, will perish, for I will not be able to take him with Me.
So give Me your YES and change your life, then, My so beloved children, I will come to save you, and great will be the joy of My Father and yours.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
Source: ➥