Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The atrocities will be worst where the Antichrist and his false "religion" is at home.
- Message No. 232 -

My child. My dear child. Beautiful will be the time in the New Kingdom of My Son, because you will live there freed from sin in perfect love, and no strife, no atrocities, no suffering, no hardship, will oppress you anymore. You will be "free", freed from the devil, the evil serpent, who has driven many of your earthlings through, and you will be happy, serving God, Our Lord, in greatest joy, for you will be true children of God, and the all-embracing love of your Father will always be with you, palpable to each one, soothing, gentle, calming and uplifting, and great will be your joy and beautiful your existence as true children of God.
My children. Hold on a little longer. Time is pressing for the conversion of souls, for many of you are still lost. What is happening in the Middle East is a production of the devil, and from there he will celebrate his triumph, but be sure that it will never be a real triumph, because soon My Son will come from heaven and free you from the misery and slavery of the evil one, and push ALL those who have acted irresponsibly against the children of God, with the heads of the evil group and its leader, into the lake of fire, from which there will be no escape for them.
The atrocities are increasing, worldwide, but they will be worst where the Antichrist and his false "religion" is at home. There are many good people who belong to this "religion", but it is used by the cunning ones to "slaughter", persecute, torture and assassinate unbelievers in their eyes. Any lie will do in order to destroy what they consider to be impure others. They do not shrink from any means to realize their atrocities. Driven by the devil and led by those obsessed with power, they murder in the name of their religion and do not see that they are being led around by the nose by the beast itself.
The hand of God the Father will strike these "brutes" particularly hard, for they behave worse than wild animals and have traded their human dignity for depravity. Such a soul will experience eternal suffering, for the devil has taken possession of them, and if they do not repent within a very short time, they will receive more than the just punishment for their shameful and man-despising deeds, for the devil himself will "take care" of them and enjoy their agony and torment, their cries and fears, their pains and their sufferings.
My child. The times of your earth are evil, and they will become more and more evil. Prayer will help you to remain faithful to My Son and God the Father, and will protect you from the snares of the devil.
Remain faithful to Us and be good to each other.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
How true. How true. Whoever does not profess Me, whoever murders, lies, and slaughters, whoever pays homage to the beast and swears allegiance to false religion, will perish miserably, and his eternity will be hell.
But whoever repents and gives his YES to Me, I will save him, and the beauty of heaven will be revealed to him as well.
So repent while there is still time and give Me, your Savior, your YES! My mercy forgives your sins, but you must take the first step, repent and do penance.
I love you, My beloved children, and nothing delights My heart so much as to see you all united in My Kingdom.
Come, My children, come, for the time of the last days of the earth is dawning, and soon we shall enter together into the New Glory of My Holy Father.
Come, My children, come. I, your Jesus, await you.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all the children of God.
Source: ➥