Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hard times await you, but you must never lose heart!

- Message No. 225 -


My child. Sit down. Difficult times await you, but you must never lose heart. All will be well for those who believe in Us, but those who do not know Us, reject Us, spurn Us, the Antichrist will befall them, and their souls will be in danger of being lost.

Pray, My children, for all those who do not come to Us, for their souls shall be stolen, their hearts eaten away and their minds confused! Pray, My faithful followers of Jesus, for only in this way can you save them from the abyss of eternal damnation and give them hope for a life hereafter with My Son.

Tell all Our children that they may convert, because the attacks of the devil will become more and more and his skill will deceive many innocent souls in order to destroy them! Do not allow this, My so beloved flock of children, because these souls will suffer miserably. Great torment and anguish will torment them forever, and the devil will laugh at them.

Convert, My children! Pray for those who have not yet confessed My Son, for only in this way will they too have a chance of eternity in the Kingdom of God the Father, only in this way will they be able to enter the New Glory that is just around the corner!

Never let yourselves be defeated and pray, pray, pray. Prayer No. 26 will save you from the worst, for it gives you clarity and truth. Pray also for your fellow brothers and sisters, that their souls may also be saved:

Prayer #27: Prayer for the Holy Spirit .

O My Lord, My gracious Father, in Your mercy give those who do not see the truth the grace to know.

Give those who do not hear the truth the grace to understand.

Give those who blindly follow evil the grace to find You.

Send out Your Holy Spirit to them now and give them the grace of truth and repentance.

Thank you, dear Father.


My child. This prayer spoken will save millions of souls. The Holy Spirit of the Lord will be sent to convert the unbelievers, the lost, and the foreign-controlled. He will show them the light of God, and their hearts will know. He will show them the truth, and they will awaken and walk the path to God the Father. They will NOT be lost! This prayer is a great grace, given by God, Our Lord. So be it.

My child. This prayer should also be performed daily if possible. I love you and all My so beloved children!

Your Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.

"My child. My daughter. Prayer No. 26 is for the protection of yourselves. Pray it daily so that you do not fall for the lies of the Antichrist and false prophets.

Prayer No. 27 works miracles. Those who were considered lost will be converted and by the millions. Pray, pray, pray for these "lost" souls. In this way, they too will find Me, your Father, and will not be lost. It is a miracle prayer. Use it!

Please continue to pray for the poor souls in Purgatory the prayer No. 9 from Book 1.

I thank you from the depths of My Father's heart and I look forward to the day when you will enter, guided by My Holy Son Jesus, into the New Paradise that I have created for you in the greatest love.

Hold on. The dark times will not last too long. I will intervene and My Son will come.

I love you. Each one of you.

Your loving Father in Heaven.

God Most High. Creator of all being.


"Amen, I say this to you: He who does not see the light will remain in darkness.

Whoever does not accept Me will remain in darkness.

Whoever does not come to Us, to My Father and to Me, will remain in darkness. His eternity will be damnation, and torment and suffering his reward.

Therefore wake up and give Me your YES! In this way your soul will also be saved and gloriously taken to the New Paradise. So be it.

Your loving Jesus.

Savior of all God's children."

Source: ➥